
Bedford, NH - Single family

I was hired by this client, who resides in one of Bedford, NH iconic homes, to do whole room designs along with adding finishing touches to already completed spaces.  The client was able to clearly express his vision for all spaces. Whether it was a whimsical “themed” bedroom or a sophisticated quest suite. It was my job to see his vision come to life.


Lakeville, MA - Single family

I began working on this new build project from the beginning. I worked closely with the Architect on designing the perfect house for my client.  Once the plan was finalized and building commenced, work began on all finish selections.  The client, a business owner, entrusted me to select all finishes (outside & inside), all light fixtures & appliances. This house is definitely a personal one for me.


Bridgewater & No. Attleboro, MA - Sports bar

Owned by the same restaurateur, I was asked on separate occasions to select all finishes for both Sports Bars.  My goal was to select finishes that not only looked amazing but were also lasting. Withstanding all the activities a popular sports bar provides. On both projects I worked closely with all contractors and restaurant supply sales people.